Make the Right Impression on Your Wealthy Clients with Contemporary Office Furniture-Here’s What You Need to Buy

Miami home furniture

When clients come into your office, two things allow them to immediately form an impression about your business—your appearance and the appearance of your office. The truth of the matter is, that you aren’t going to attract well paying clients if your office furniture lacks a professional, modern feel. High-end clients want companies who are on the cutting edge to represent their businesses and accounts. Generic, utilitarian office furniture isn’t going to impress your clients. With this in mind, here are two types of contemporary office furniture that will make a favorable impression on your prospective clients.


There’s a reason why most executives have lavishly furnished offices, complete with large, wooden desks and bookcases. The heavy, well-oiled wooden desks make an impression. Not only are they imposing but they also have a sense of sturdiness and permanence about them. These desks also give off an air of sophistication, wealth, and power. The same cannot be said of traditional metal desks.

This is exactly the kind of atmosphere you want to create in your own office. To do this, you’ll need to choose rich hardwood furniture made from oak, cherry, or mahogany. To add a contemporary flair, look for desks that feature contemporary furniture design elements, such as scrollwork or intricate woodcarvings.

Leather Upholstery

When you invite your clients to take a seat in your office, you need to ensure two things.

  1. The seating is comfortable.
  2. The upholstery of your office chairs and/or sofas matches the look of wealth and sophistication that you are trying to convey.

Leather upholstered contemporary office furniture accomplishes both of these goals. Leather is a rich and durable material and it pairs extremely well with your executive style wooden desk. Available in many different colors, your leather furniture will coordinate nicely and help tie the theme of your office together.

To ensure that your leather seating carries through with your modern furniture theme, choose guest chairs that mimic the following styles:

  • captain’s chairs
  • Barcelona chairs
  • Queen Anne

Final Thoughts

When you choose your new office furniture, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the prices you see. However, it’s important to remember that your office furniture doesn’t have to be incredibly expensive—it just need to look as though it cost a fortune. You can find a number of affordable contemporary furniture pieces both online and at your local contemporary furniture stores. Remember to choose each piece carefully so that your office conveys the right message to your wealthy clients.

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