From your plumbing system to your roof to your windows, each component of your home, if it is a typical one here in the United States, plays an incredibly important role. Because of this fact, the proper upkeep of your home is essential for a number of reasons, from saving money to simply living in a home that has been kept in the best possible shape, something that is likely to improve your overall quality of life by quite a bit. And if you should ever decide to sell your home, as many people eventually do when they are ready to move on to the next thing, a home that has been well kept and is in the top possible condition is not only likely to sell more quickly, but for a considerable amount of money as well, far more than it would have sold for if it had been allowed to fall into disrepair.
In fact, home renovations are currently very popular here in the United States. They are so popular, in fact, that up to two thirds of all home owners, considerably more than half, are in the process of or are at least planning a home renovations project. Among these home renovations, window renovations are some of the most popular.
When your windows reach a certain age, typically past twenty years but sometimes much sooner, they are likely to become drafty. And drafty windows are far from ideal, as they let both heat escape during the winter and cool air escape during the summer. As this is a problem that occurs as your windows age, it is difficult to avoid entirely. However, the use of single pane windows will only spur it on and make the need for a window replacement come up much sooner than it otherwise would have.
When it comes time for new window installation, you and every other home owner should consider the use of double pane windows. Double pane windows might cost a little more than your typical single pane windows, but they are well worth the additional price. This is due to the fact that they are up to twice as efficient at keeping heat and cool air in than a single pane window has been found to be.
Over the course of time, the installation of double pane windows will save you a considerable amount of money and energy alike. This can be seen most clearly, of course, when we draw a direct comparison between the double pane window and the less effective and overall inferior single pane window commonly found in homes throughout the country. If you have a drafty single pane window installed, for instance, your heating and overall energy bills are likely to rise by as much as twenty five percent – and typically no less than ten percent. Any way you look at it, single pane windows are a money suck.
Of course, replacing your residential windows – or even just one residential window in need of it – is likely to improve your quality of life as well. Drafty homes are often cold ones and in places of the United States where winters are far from warm (and are often, in fact, brutally cold) having a home with drafty windows is likely to be equatable to having a very chilly home indeed.
And in places where the summers are hot, humid, and long, air conditioning is now considered to be absolutely essential, a much needed respite from the constant mugginess of the outdoors. In a home that doesn’t make itself amenable to cooling down thoroughly thanks to draft windows that are in need of a residential window replacement, sweating through the summer months often becomes the norm for just about all the people who live there, if not all of them.
When you have a window replaced, it’s highly important to find a reputable window company to do the job for you, instead of attempting to do it on your own. Window companies not only have the skill and the experience that is necessary for a skillful window replacement job, but they also have the right tools.