Most people think of windows in terms of their most obvious benefits. Windows allow people to look out of our homes, to enjoy a beautiful view or to see what their neighbors are doing. They allow sunlight and fresh air into a home or business. They are a centerpiece for decoration, with Americans spending millions each year on shutters, curtains, and other window treatments. However, windows are also a tool for ensuring security, saving energy, and providing safety from fire. Steel window manufacturers ensure all of these benefits, and steel framed windows and doors can be a beautiful part of creative design as well.
Burglary is a frequent crime in the United States; a home is broken into every 13 seconds on average. In almost a third of these crimes, the burglar enters the home through an unlocked door or window. Whether a residential or commercial property, security is essential, and high-quality windows are key. Steel is stronger and more durable than other materials that are used for windows, such as wood, vinyl, and aluminum, and can provide an extra element of security and peace of mind to home and business owners.
Saving Energy (and Money)
Just as windows provide entry points into the home for unwanted intruders, they also allow hot and cold air to enter or escape the home. In fact, windows are responsible for some 15-22% of heat loss in the average home. Whether your design goal is to be green or save your client money, your choice of windows has the potential to lead to big savings. Simply replacing a typical single-pain window with an Energy Star certified window can yield between between $126 and $465 per year in savings for a household. Steel windows are manufactured with low-e coatings, which may be 10-15% more expensive initially but yield 30-50% in energy savings. And steel window manufacturers are able to use recycled steel in their products.
Fire is unfortunately a very real threat to buildings, with more than 1.2 million fires reported in the United States in 2013 alone. Windows are key to a fire safety plan, ideally allowing egress from the building or entry by a fully-equipped firefighter. Because of its strength, steel can support larger windows than other materials, making fire rated windows easier to incorporate in building design.
Although security, saving energy, and safety are important, home and building design are even more about aesthetics. Whether for a home, office building, or hotel, windows must be beautifully designed and aesthetically pleasing. Steel windows are unique in allowing for narrow sightlines, which allow more light into the space and make steel windows more adaptable to creative design. Steel window manufacturers offer a variety of metal window options that marry elegance with efficiency, safety, and affordability.