Treat Your Lawn Right With These 3 Tips!

Moving into a new home comes with many responsibilities because a newly-erected structure may have some kinks and missing details as well. Some people move into places with tons of yard space but no landscape work. Therefore, they look into buying lawn equipment and try to find out how to grow the ultimate grass. The work doesn’t stop there, however, because new home lawn care is a big commitment.

Never disregard the importance of keeping your lawn beautiful, because the increase in curb appeal is real. There’s nothing sadder than a home with brown patches everywhere or a completely desert-looking yard. Americans love seeing greenery and flowers, so you must consider that aspect even if you don’t plan to sell your new home for many years.

Treating your lawn properly increases not just your home’s value but the entire neighborhood’s worth. Therefore, you must search for lawn care for new homeowners to find professionals who can maintain everything in top shape. On the other hand, you can also follow the advice below, and if you’re starting from scratch, try to buy organic fescue seed, which has the exact appearance most people in the country want for their homes. Let’s discover these tips.

Lawn care plymouth mi

Are you in need of commercial or residential lawn maintenance? Maybe your business is in desperate need of some new landscaping to make it more inviting to customers. Perhaps you want your home lawn to be the talk of the neighborhood. Whatever the reason may be, hiring a landscaping company could be a huge benefit to you. Just make sure that the residential or commercial landscaping company you choose makes your lawn a priority. Here are a few handy lawn care tips to keep in mind:

1. Fertilizer – Knowing the basics of how to fertilize your lawn will take you a long way. First of all, you should know about the three main types of lawn fertilizers: natural organic, slow-release chemical, and fast-release. In order to determine which type of fertilizer will work best for your lawn you will need to think about the average temperatures and the typical amount of rainfall. If you are still unsure then it may be best to consult with a landscaping company in your area. They not only understand your climate, but can give you tips for your specific lawn after seeing it. For instance, they may tell you that if you begin to return mulched clippings to your lawn rather than disposing of them then you could reduces your need for lawn fertilizer by up to 50%!

2. Water – To maintain a healthy lawn you will want to make sure your grass gets roughly one inch of water per week through the growing season. In some areas of the country this amount of rain comes naturally, but in other areas homeowners must be particular about the use of sprinkler systems to ensure that their lawns do not burn up. Water plays a huge role in lawn health in every season!

3. Snow Removal – In many areas of the United States and especially in Michigan, homeowners deal with large amounts of snow every winter. Although we love the way that snow looks, after a couple of days of non stop shoveling it loses a bit of its charm. The good news is that many professional landscaping services offer contracts to come and plow your driveway for your if there are three or more inches of snow on the ground.

If you are searching for a company to provide commercial or residential landscaping in your area remember that you want them to make your lawn their priority. In most cases working with lawn servicing companies will give you a new found respect for their knowledge when it comes to fertilizers, water, and snow removal.

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