In a freak weather occurrence that made global headlines, Buffalo, NY’s “Snowvember” brought huge snowfalls all week that rose to more than seven feet by the time it stopped snowing.
But now that the snow appears to have stopped falling, Buffalo residents have a few new threats to face — collapsing roofs and the possibility of warmer weather approaching that would lead to basement cracks and leaks — and floods.
According to a November 21 CBS News article, more than 30 roof collapses have been reported, mostly in farm and flat-roof buildings, throughout Thursday night.
And next week’s forecast calls for rain and temperatures around 60 degrees. As a result, that seven-foot layer of snow covering Buffalo will melt at a rate faster than the ground can absorb.
“We are preparing now for more flooding than we have seen in a long, long time,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said at a press conference Friday morning.
With this much flooding of the groundwater, the basement water leaks that will ensue will be much more severe than when a basement leaks when it rains. And unfortunately, there’s not much the people of Buffalo can do between now and the beginning of the warmer weather to prevent against basement water leaks.
There are a number of hazards that come from water leaking into a basement. When moisture enters a basement, black mold can begin growing in just 24 to 48 hours, which poses a huge health threat to people and animals with respiratory concerns as well as the elderly. Water seeping through a home’s foundation into the basement also compromises the home’s structural integrity.
To repair water damage to a foundation, a foundation repair is usually required. This can cost anywhere from $3,000 to $5,000, which is why it’s less expensive to take preventive measures like basement waterproofing.
So while Buffalo’s snow woes may have passed, the upcoming thaw could do more harm than help those weary of the white stuff.