How to Know You Need Tree Removal

Trees add beauty, shade, and value to your property, but there are times when tree removal becomes necessary. Recognizing the signs that a tree needs to be removed can prevent potential hazards and protect your home and surroundings. Here are some key indicators that it might be time to call a professional tree removal service.

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1. Dead or Dying Tree
One of the most obvious signs that a tree needs to be removed is if it’s dead or dying. A dead tree can quickly become a danger as it loses its structural integrity, making it susceptible to falling during storms or even on a calm day. Look for signs such as brittle branches, lack of leaves during the growing season, and decaying wood.

2. Fungal Growth
Fungal growth at the base of a tree or on its trunk can be a clear indication of internal rot. Mushrooms, conks, and other fungal bodies suggest that the tree’s structural integrity is compromised. Once a tree has started to rot from the inside, it becomes a safety risk and should be removed.

3. Leaning Tree
If a tree is suddenly leaning to one side, it may have root damage or be experiencing soil erosion. A leaning tree, especially one that wasn’t previously leaning, poses a significant risk as it can fall without warning. Trees that lean more than 15 degrees from vertical typically need to be removed.

4. Damaged Roots
Root damage is a serious issue as roots are essential for a tree’s stability. Visible signs of root damage include heaving soil and exposed roots near the base of the tree. Construction activities, severe weather, or diseases can damage roots, making the tree unsafe.

5. Hollow Trunk
A hollow trunk can indicate severe internal decay. While trees can live with some hollowing, if more than one-third of the tree is hollow, it should be removed. Hollow trees are at higher risk of falling because their support structure is significantly weakened.

6. Proximity to Structures
Trees that grow too close to your home, power lines, or other structures can become hazardous. As trees mature, their branches can extend over roofs, potentially causing damage during storms. Roots can also interfere with foundations, causing structural damage.

7. Storm Damage
Severe storms can cause substantial damage to trees, including broken branches, split trunks, and uprooting. If a tree has been significantly damaged by a storm, it’s often best to remove it, especially if the damage affects the tree’s structural stability.

8. Infestation
Pests such as termites, beetles, or borers can infest trees, leading to severe damage. Infestations often leave trees weak and more likely to fall. Signs of infestation include sawdust trails, small holes in the bark, and dead branches.

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