Americans who own their own property have the option of hiring remodeling companies to redesign and remake rooms in their house, or even the property’s entire interior. Remodeling contractors from these remodeling companies are professionals with varied skills, and remodeling companies may offer wood workers, floor experts, plumbers, electricians, and more to make a complete remodeling job possible. Not only that, but design build remodeling companies can also provide experts who can coordinate with the homeowner to design what the remodeled room will look like. Some homeowners aren’t sure what a remodeled room should entail, so some remodeling companies offer their expert advice on materials, aesthetics, popular home trends, and more. Home remodeling can also prove to be an excellent investment in most cases, and hiring remodeling companies is the first step. How might this turn out?
The Industry Today
Seeing how tens of millions of Americans own their own houses, it’s hardly surprising that the home remodeling business is a robust one. These remodeling companies are found across the United States, from Portland, Oregon to Houston to Boston and Miami, and they have plenty of work to do. Statistic show that among all homeowners, over 10 million kitchen remodeling jobs are done per year, and nearly as many master bathroom remodeling jobs are done, too. These are popular rooms to remodel, although a homeowner may choose to have their living room, master bedroom, or even the basement remodeled, too. Around 35% of homeowners ask remodeling companies to remodel the entire house’s interior, which may allow for a cohesive visual theme throughout the house.
Who hires these remodeling companies? Most often, it is older Americans aged 55 and over who invest in remodeling, since they don’t move as often as younger adults and would rather improve their current property. That, and older homeowners simply have more money saved up for projects like this than younger adults. Right now, in the late 2010s, Baby Boomer homeowners outspend Millennial homeowners three to one on home remodeling. But Millennials, those young adults born 1982 to 1995, are getting older and may soon represent a bigger slice of home ownership and remodeling clients in the coming decade.
Getting the Remodeling Job Done
Whether a homeowner is a Millennial or their Baby Boomer parents, a homeowner may expect a lot from remodeling companies when they are hired. An interested homeowner may get references from their local hardware store to find remodeling companies in their area, and find even more online with a simple search query. Most remodeling companies should have their own website, where they can showcase their work with videos, articles, and photos.A homeowner may compare a few local companies, and then choose one to hire.
Homeowners may also note that hiring remodeling companies is a sharp investment to make. This is because a remodeled house will be more attractive and distinctive to buyers when the homeowner puts their property on the real estate market, and the homeowner may sell their house faster and for a better price than if no remodeling work was done. This is why popular rooms such as the kitchen and the master bathroom may yield a ROI, or return on investment, as high as 70-80% or so.
When a kitchen is being remodeled, for a popular example, many different experts may work together to transform that room. Contractors may replace the fridge and stove with new models with more features, and they might also install a new dish washer. Plumbers may put in a brand new sink, and floor experts may remove old tiles or linoleum and put down fresher, newer flooring. Wood workers, meanwhile, might refinish, repaint, or even replace the cabinet doors for a fresher look. Other experts may remove the counter top and put down a newer one made of granite or marble.
The master bathroom is more than a toilet room; homeowners may also take relaxing baths, shave or dye their hair at the sink, and more, so investing in this room is popular too. Here, floor contractors can update the floor tiles or linoleum, and plumbers can replace utilities such as the toilet, tub, sink, and shower with newer, low-flow models. These water-efficient utilities can save on water in the long run, and they’re modern and attractive too.