Your home’s foundation is like its legs. If the foundation starts to fail, then your home is going to have a hard time standing up. That’s why it’s important to get an inspection if you suspect a foundation failure and have it repaired quickly if problems are found. Here are some of the things to look for that might be signs of problems with your foundation.
If you have a basement, once obvious sign of foundation failure is bowing in of the walls. As the soil outside exerts pressure on your foundation, it can cause the walls to start to bow. If you observe this issue, it’s important to call a contractor specializing in foundation repair so he can evaluate your foundation and see what needs to be done. There are a couple of different ways to deal with a bowing foundation. Placing I-beams at strategic points will help to shore up your foundation and stop further movement. An anchor system, which involves drilling into your foundation, can actually pull your foundation back into shape and eliminate the bowing. It is a lot more expensive, though, and it doesn’t always work.
If you don’t have a basement, there are other, more subtle signs of foundation issues to look for. Cracks in walls, doors and windows that no longer seem to fit their frames and uneven floors can all be signs of foundation failure. If you see any of these signs, it’s always best to have an inspection done so you can see if you need repair.
So what causes foundation failure? There can be a number of reasons. One of the most common is an improperly laid foundation. There 60 different types of soil in Texas, and for each one, there are different approaches to laying a foundation. If the right method is not used, it can cause problems later on. Your home builder should perform a soil analysis before building, but that doesn’t always happen. Another common cause of foundation problems is poor drainage. When water is constantly getting down into the area around your foundation, it can cause damage. You need to make sure your gutters and downspouts are working properly, and you should always keep watering devices such as soaker hoses at least a foot away from your foundation.
Residential foundation repair can be expensive, so it’s something you want to avoid if you can. Before buying a house, you should ensure your inspector does a thorough job on the foundation inspection. If you are having a house built, make sure your builder does a soil analysis. You also want to ensure that your home’s drainage is up to snuff. These steps can help ensure that your foundation avoids problems.