Landscaping is how you shape the world a little more to your liking.
You don’t have to start so big, of course. Your backyard or front yard is a good enough starting point to give your life a fantastic touch-up. You’ll enjoy the benefits of a carefully maintained home in almost no time at all — a beautiful exterior, an improved ROI and a steady hobby to give your idle hours more life. Accomplishing this means establishing a sturdy foundation and buying the right products. Not sure what those are?
Here are five of the most common questions new gardeners and beginning landscapers have about the process.
Is Crushed Concrete Eco-Friendly?
You might be one of quite a few American homeowners that wants to achieve a green outcome with their next project. “Is crushed concrete eco-friendly?” remains one of the more common questions precisely because of how common this material is. Concrete is seen just about everywhere — from sidewalks to driveways — and it’s understandable to wonder just where it stands on today’s modern green scale. Concrete can be recycled and re-purposed without a drop in quality, used in several urban and residential applications. It won’t be the only product you’re using on your journey to a more beautiful home.
What Are The Benefits Of Crushed Shells?
Another question nearly as frequent as, “Is crushed concrete eco-friendly?” is, “Should I use crushed shell in bulk?” When planting new flowers and seeds your biggest concern is likely revolving around the soil and how healthy it is. Soil is evaluated on two basic features — its fertility and texture — and, according to recent scientific estimates, stores 0.01% of all the water on Earth within its pores. Crushed shell as nutrients is a popular choice and can give your plants just a little more juice to grow faster and taller. To be able to check for sure, though…
How Do I Know If My Soil Is Healthy?
For beginning gardeners it can be tricky to know at a glance (or a feel) if soil is good enough to grow. This is where your handy dandy pH test strips come into play. pH is a measure of your soil’s acidity or ‘alkalinity’ — the pH scale can range from 1.0 to 14.0, with 7.0 considered a neutral middleground. The majority of plants require a pH level in the lower acidic to neutral range. This means you should be enjoying a steady pattern of 6.2 to 6.8 every time you double-check your soil’s quality.
Which Weed Control Methods Are Most Effective?
Nothing can dampen your spirits like weeds. They seem to crop up out of nowhere and are resistant to even your best efforts. A one-inch layer of small rocks situated carefully throughout your garden can provide good weed control, keeping them from sprouting and rearing their ugly heads. It’s best to avoid pesticides and more chemical weed control methods, as this can contribute to run-off pollution. It’s also a surefire way to kill earthworms, a necessary addition to any garden that wants a long lifespan.
What Kind Of Mulch Should I Get?
Starting to feel a little more confident? Here’s the last most commonly asked question on the list: just what kind of mulch should you be buying and why? The two types of mulch available on the market today are organic and inorganic. Newly planted trees generally require a circle of mulch between three and four feet in diameter, giving them just enough room while keeping them in one place. Bagged mulch delivery can provide you with a steady quantity right at your doorstep for those busy weeks you just can’t seem to get any wiggle room in.
Is crushed concrete eco-friendly? Do I need to check the pH balance of my soil? Now that you’re caught up on the basics, improve your ROI and your weekends in one fell swoop!