Air conditioning has become incredibly commonplace here in the United States. In fact, more than 60% of all homes throughout the country have some type of air conditioning system in their home, be it air conditioning units placed strategically throughout to a system of central air conditioning. However, there is no doubt about it that running an air conditioning system is certainly an expensive thing to do.
In fact, more than $10 billion is spent per year in energy costs directly associated to air conditioning systems in the United States alone. In fact, the use of air conditioning systems accounts for up to 5% of all electricity produced throughout the country in that same span of time. For this reason, many people are hesitant to turn on their air conditioning seasons, even when they really need it during the hottest parts of the year.
Fortunately, however, there are a number of ways to mitigate the climbing cost of running an air conditioner – even if you’re looking to use your air conditioning system on a regular basis during those long and hot summer months. For instance, providing air conditioning repair whenever it is necessary will certainly help to keep your air conditioning system in the shape that you want it to be in. In addition to this, regular servicing for your air conditioning unit or system can actually help you to avoid the need for air conditioning repair in the first place. Unfortunately, however, far too few people with air conditioning systems conduct the proper amount of maintenance, with recent data showing that only around 40% of people actually do this.
Aside from using maintenance to avoid excessive air conditioning repair needs and the costs associated with it, knowing when to replace your air conditioning system will also help to reduce further need for the services of an air conditioning repair company in the future. And while a new air conditioning system can certainly be expensive, the costs of paying for constant air conditioning services and air conditioning repair from a local air conditioning repair company are likely to add up to an even higher eventual cost.
And many people in the United States have quite outdated systems that will cost money even if they don’t need air conditioning repair, simply for the fact that they are older and less efficient than new models of air conditioning systems currently on the market. In fact, homes that were built nearly 40 years ago in the 1980s frequently have outdated air conditioning systems that are at least 20 years of age. In fact, this has actually become the case for up to 20% of these homes, a solid fifth of all homes built during that one time period. Outdated systems are more likely to cost a lot of money on a monthly basis, meaning that a huge percentage of home owners and renters and paying far more than they should be simply for vital air conditioning services during the summer months.
Fortunately, simply making the switch to a high efficiency air conditioning unit or system can have a tremendous impact on the amount of energy that you’ll ultimately be able to save. And while buying such an air conditioning unit can certainly seem like it costs a lot up front, you’ll certainly be able to see its payoff sooner rather than later, making it more than worth it in the grand scheme of things. In fact, such high efficiency air conditioning systems and units can even reduce the amount of energy you ultimately use by as much as 50%. Even in cases without such high energy savings, high efficiency air conditioning systems still usually save at least 20% in the vast majority of cases.
We need heating and cooling systems, that is nothing less than a fact. After all, many parts of this country become incredibly hot during the summer months, leaving the inhabitants of home without effective and efficient cooling systems at risk for a number of heat related illnesses – even serious ones like heat stroke – that populations like the very young and the very old are particularly at risk for.