Though it may feel like just yesterday we were putting the air conditioning in, the temperatures are rapidly changing from the warm breezes of summer to the howling winds of winter. Pretty soon your furnace will be on full time and working over time, providing your home with the comfort it simply wouldn’t get overtime. Perhaps now is the best time to worry about how well your heat is working or if you could use any furnace repairs or updated insulation. Before there is a draft of snow in your windows that you don’t know how to deal with or where to begin with, get on the phone today to make sure that all HVAC repairs can be made pronto.
Once that air conditioning is off for the summer it feels almost like a fast slope into winter. Calling your HVAC representative to have everything checked over before the season begins is imperative for both heating and cooling. If anything is off within your system, then you risk the chance of it not working. Being in a home that is colder inside than it is outside is not going to be comfortable for anyone involved. This is the reason that assuring yourself that your heat pump and furnace are both in working order are two of the most important things you can do. Call your HVAC company and have them give everything a fast look and save yourself the time and money of finding out after the winds have already changed and begun to free you out of your home.
Or perhaps it is not the HVAC system that is the biggest problem in your life. Perhaps you need a good insulation companies to come and figure out how to make it so that your home can retain more of the heat that is being pumped into it. The insulation that was once used has been known to lose its protection over time and this can cause your house to settle and become colder than it should be. A poorly insulted attic can cause 25% heating loss within a home, imagine if your whole home is poorly insulated, how much money you’re putting into heating that is simply and literally going out the window. If proper insulation is installed it can save you about 40% of your heating bill per month. Who doesn’t want to save this type of money?
Now that you’ve taken the air conditioning out of your windows it is time to think about protecting yourself and your home from the cold that comes creeping in the windows even when you think your heat is on and you’re fighting it off. Call an HVAC company or someone to check the insulation in your home. Nothing is worse than the bitter chilly mornings when it feels like you’ve left the air conditioning on in your home rather than turned the heat on. For something that can be such an easy fix make sure that you have it all straightened out before the real problems begin to come up and haunt you. Fix your home for you and your family and save yourself a ton of money on your heating bill. Who knows, maybe with all of the money you save you can even upgrade your air conditioning when the summer time rolls around again and you just can’t seem to get cold enough!
Save yourself from the bitter cold of winter and make sure that your home is toasty warm today.