Some would argue that your home?s plumbing is one of the most important aspects of the house. For others, it is simply an afterthought. Either way, when you move into a newly purchased house, you want to make sure you are aware of your current plumbing situation. It can also be helpful to create a list of local plumbers. If you experience a plumbing emergency, you will have a long list of potential plumbers to call for help.
Schedule an initial plumbing inspection
Most housing inspections somewhat cover plumbing but do not go into depth. This means that most homeowners do not really learn the quality of their plumbing system until they have a problem. Some of these problems could have been prevented with preventative maintenance. By the time it becomes a problem, however, it can be an expensive repair. Anytime you move into a recently purchased house, make sure you schedule a plumber inspection as soon as possible.
Keep up with plumbing maintenance
There are some plumbing tasks that should be completed routinely by the homeowner. These tasks include fixing minor leaks, identifying water problems, fixing faucets, repairing running toilets, and regularly treating the water. If your plumbing system is built over tree roots, you should be treated it at least two times per year to prevent roots from overtaking your plumbing system. Additionally, you should schedule a routine inspection every year by the best local plumbers.
Know who you are hiring
Although you probably do not know a lot about plumbing licensing, you want to make sure you are hiring plumbers that offer affordable plumbing and are fully licensed. Licensing requirements usually vary, depending on the state, but you can easily look up plumbing licenses. In order to obtain a plumbing license in Illinois, for example, the Illinois Department of Public Health requires individuals pass a state licensing exam after working under a licensed plumber as a licensed apprentice for a 48 to 72 month period. With this amount of experience, you know that you are getting a plumber that is qualified.
Begin saving up for a new plumbing system
Indoor plumbing dates back to at least 2500 B.C. Although there are no plumbing fixtures still in use from that long ago, many of the countries plumbing systems are outdated. This is because it is not easy to replace or update a plumbing system. This process usually requires that the homeowner have their entire front yard dug up. This means that the foundation and the dirt are all affected. This requires large machinery which can be very expensive. However, all of these outdated plumbing systems will eventually need to be replaced. Now is the time to begin saving up for a new plumbing system.
Handle water problems immediately
Another common household mistake is letting water problems go on for too long. A minor water leak can quickly turn into something much larger. It can go from a slow leak to an entire flood. A 2,000 square foot home that experiences a one inch flood of water may face about $20,920 in damages. If you notice any plumbing problems, it is best to call out a local emergency plumber immediately.
Your home?s plumbing system is important for many functions. A small plumbing problem can quickly escalate into water damage that costs thousands and thousands of dollars to repair. Make sure you understand the condition of your home?s plumbing and that you have a list of trusted plumbers you can contact in an emergency. Know what plumbing signs are problematic and how to make simple DIY repairs.