Safety is an important element no matter where you find yourself. Little additions are regularly crafted and maintained throughout every layer of society to reduce the risk of injury and death, from handrails on bridges to textured floors in public spaces. A cable handrail system is designed to be as durable as possible throughout the year, withstanding constant pressure, shaking and even unforgiving exposure to the elements.
Material Requirements
A cable handrail system needs to be as durable as possible first and foremost, whether it’s a cable deck railing or cable railing posts. Stainless steel is still an industry standard — it contains at least 12% chromium, ideal for preventing the build-up of rust, and forms a thin as well as invisible protective film on the surface to reduce corrosion. Cable railings require incredibly rigid frames and are usually constructed of either stainless steel, extruded aluminum or wood. Most buildings have a code of requirement demanding cables are rigid enough to prevent a 4 inch sphere from passing through them.
Environmental Benefits
There’s no reason safety materials can’t also benefit the environment as well as people. Stainless steel is notable for being 100% recyclable into the same production with absolutely no reduction in quality — this is due to the main source of raw material for stainless steel being recycled scrap metal, with well over 90% of all new stainless steel products made from it. From architecture to building objects to construction applications, stainless steel is still the most viable material used today.
Homeowner Standards
Homes, ranging from houses to apartment complexes, require basic standards to ensure residents are kept as safe as possible. A study of single-family homes back in 2014 saw a third of all homes coming with both a patio and porch — due to the nature of these spaces being suspended, the risk of falls are greater if there aren’t certified cable railing systems or steel wire railing systems in place. These also need to be maintained and checked on a regular basis for basic wear and tear, foundation damage or potential poor materials.
Common Uses
Railing systems are interacted with on a regular basis. Over half of homeowners who upgrade their outdoor spaces, such as updating their patio or porch area, spend six or more hours there per week (at nearly 51%) — everything from general relaxing to socializing to gardening are done, making a quality cable handrail system vital for day-to-day use. There are over 150 different grades of stainless steel, with the main difference in alloy compositions being the intention of the final application.
Crafting The Ideal Cable Handrail System
Whether it’s a design rail for decks or indoor cable railing, all cable handrail systems need to have a few basics in place to function properly. It’s essential they be created with the highest quality stainless steel possible to reduce rusting and degradation, while a proper foundation needs to be laid down to avoid creaking, shaking and falling apart from repeated usage. The majority of homeowners upgrading their outdoor spaces prefer to address their backyard at 64% — this ranges from paving new beds to building or upgrading already existing structures. When it comes to safety, a little goes a long way.