During the brutal summer months, humans have historically resorted to working less or taking a siesta during the hottest parts of the day. Thanks to commercial and residential air conditioners however, we can now work, play, and relax in comfort year-round. Today nearly two-thirds of all households in the United States is equipped with an air conditioning unit. In total, air conditioner use accounts for nearly 5% of the energy produced in the U.S. Thanks to new innovations in energy-saving options, combined with professional and quality air conditioning service contractor companies, it has never been easier or more affordable to install a commercial or residential air conditioner quickly.
Energy-Saving Options
U.S. homeowners pay a combined total of $11 billion every year for air conditioner costs. The average homeowner in the United States will spend up to 20% of their utility bill on cooling alone according to Energy Star. Many homeowners are making the switch to high-efficiency air conditioning units to reduce energy costs by up to 50%. Many homes lose up to 40% of their energy from leaks or insulated ducts in the home. By taking steps to insulate and optimize their cooling systems homeowners can save hundreds of dollars every year in energy savings.
The Benefits of Proper Maintenance and Repair
Every year, Americans are paying too much for unnecessary air conditioning replacement services due to improper maintenance. By simply replacing a dirty filter every few months, homeowners can lower their unit’s energy consumption by 5-15%. A unit that was installed improperly can even reduce the efficiency of the system by as much as 30% and shorten the service life of the unit. As a general rule of thumb: if your unit is over 10 years old or unable to keep your home comfortable, then contact air conditioning replacement services to see your options.