Let’s be honest here: there is no one who actually likes vacuuming. It’s easily one of the worst chores out there. Even if you do vacuum regularly, however, your carpet can still be prone to hold plenty of residual filth.
Bet You Didn’t Know These Facts About Carpets:
- According to scientific research, more than 43 million tons of dust falls over the United States every single year. The vast majority of this dust settles in residential and commercial carpets. Even with vacuuming, a lot of ingrained dust remains.
- Research shows that every year, multiple pounds of soil pile up both in and under carpets. There’s no way vacuuming picks all of that stuff up.
- According to research from the Environmental Protection Agency, indoor air pollutants can get trapped in carpeting. In addition, highly humid areas are especially prone to mold growing on an uncleaned carpet that can cause many different health problems. In fact, the Norovirus can survive on an uncleaned carpet for at least a month.
As you can see, there are a lot more reasons to clean your carpet than to just freshen up your home. A clean carpet improves your health and well being, but just vacuuming doesn’t truly clean your carpet. Experts say that carpets should be professionally cleaned at least once every 12 to 18 months.
There are roughly 40,523 professional carpet cleaning services in the United States. Amongst this multitude of businesses, you can most certainly find local carpet cleaners ranging from both residential and commercial carpet cleaners.
With the United States carpet cleaning industry employing approximately 69,096 individuals, there are plenty of trained employees in the field who are willing to work with you to answer any questions you have, especially if you’re looking into commercial carpet cleaners for a large facility. You want to make sure that you are comfortable with the staff and are confident in their expertise.
A large reason why many are dissuaded from hiring commercial carpet cleaners is the thought of cost. While commercial carpet cleaners may be a little pricey, there are businesses that are more than willing to work out a payment plan that works for both parties involved.
Having your carpets professionally cleaned at least once a year is worth the investment. Not only is your home left fresh and clean, but you eliminate the worry of built up bacteria and dirt causing any health problems for you, your family or your company. Be sure to check online for local carpet cleaners or just look around on your next drive around town.
Have you had any experiences with commercial carpet cleaners? You should let us know in the comments below! Learn more.