When selecting new flooring, it is important to keep a number of factors in mind regarding your needs as a homeowner, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of upscale flooring options. Choosing the right flooring for each room requires a good idea of what activities the room will be used for, how frequently people walk through it, and how the flooring coordinates with the room’s decor.
One of the most popular flooring types is ceramic tile flooring. Tiles are a great floor for kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry rooms, where the moist environment makes other types of flooring un-ideal. Tile flooring is durable and aesthetically pleasing, able to be installed in a variety of colors and patterns. Tile flooring installation is time consuming, and can be difficult, so it is important to hire flooring contractors who are experienced in working with tile.
Many homeowners enjoy the water resistance and durability of tile flooring, but feel that tile’s rigid appearance is too formal for their decorating style. Fortunately, many flooring contractors who work with tile are also able to install natural stone flooring. Stone flooring has many of the same advantages as tile, with a more casual appearance. Stone flooring can be slightly more difficult to clean, due to its potentially uneven texture, but this will depend on the type of stones used.
While tile and stone are the most popular upscale flooring types for kitchens, some homeowners opt for hardwood flooring. Hardwood flooring is aesthetically pleasing, durable, and relatively simple to install. Unfortunately, it can also be very expensive, and, because it is susceptible to moisture damage, will need more care to protect it from spills.
No matter what type of floor you choose for your home, it is important to do research to make sure that the selected floor fits your family’s needs.