So you’ve done it! You bought that dream home that you’ve had in your head for years and you’re truly living your life. However, in your perfect dream home there is one thing missing. That one thing missing is your swimming pool. For your home to be complete you will need to go about putting in a pool for sure. If you’re resisting this for some strange reason just think—it means less time that you have to spend at the gym considering that cardiovascular exercises are something you can specialize in once you have that pool installed, who doesn’t like one more reason to skip arms day at the gym?
Having trouble deciding what type is best for your yard now? Because that should really be the only difficult decision to be made with this whole thing. We’ve already gone over that it is in fact a necessity and something that you need to drop everything and worry about putting into your home as well. Well let’s see, let’s go through some of the specifics of this new area you’re putting in.
Home swimming pools can be split into two different options. You can have either an aboveground or an in-ground.
An aboveground isn’t quite as expensive as an in-ground. These pools can range in price from $500 to $7,000. These prices include the installation of the pool instead. The land is cleared, sand is placed down underneath to keep it in place and also so that there is a softer bottom than hard ground, and the pool is built up around it. By the end you have a wonderfully sized pool with a pool liner that will last anywhere from 5 to 12 years. These pools can make fur great pool parties and the best escape for getting out of those hot and humid evenings spent typically inside the air conditioning. With swimming pool builders coming to give a hand in this construction project your pool can be up in just a matter of hours.
An in ground pool can provide you with a little more freedom however their cost is almost double that of an aboveground pool. This however includes the price of pool contractors that will be giving your new dwelling spot its super cool facelift. An in-ground liner will last anywhere from 6 to 10 years without needing an upgrade or to be replaced. These pools also have diving boards so you and your family members can pretend you’re practicing for the perfect Olympic team with your perfect dives right in. Who doesn’t want to spend the day in their backyard hanging around the diving board and jumping into their in ground pool?
So now that you’ve decided that a pool is what your home needs to be finalized you better get to making a pro and con list of the type of pool that needs to go in your yard. It’s about time that you have a little bit of fun in your backyard and really begin to enjoy everything that your home and recreational area has to offer. Happy swimming!