From renting a dumpster to taking advantage of your residential waste pickup services, dealing with your trash is something that every single one of us needs to do. And the typical person here in the United States creates quite a bit of trash over the course of a single day – up to four pounds of it per person.
Fortunately, trash removal services have become common all throughout the United States. So too have recycling, of which now more than eighty five percent of all people in the United States have access to (when we are talking about curbside recycling services, that is). Fortunately, recycling and the incentive to recycle has become more prevalent than ever before, and it is an important part of the three R’s – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
And each and every one of us participating in recycling whenever we can is something that can have a bigger impact than many of us even realize. In fact, recycling instead of throwing away a mere ton of cardboard products will save up to nine cubic meters of space in any given landfill and it will help the cardboard to stay out of places where it could become harmful to the environment as well.
And on top of this, recycling is actually economically and financially beneficial as well, as it only costs about thirty dollars to recycle a ton. Sending a ton of trash to the landfill, on the other hand, is much more expensive, enough to make a difference. Currently, it costs no less than fifty dollars to send a ton of trash to a landfill, making landfills not only hugely detrimental to the overall health of our environment, but far from the financially sound option as well, especially when recycling is in the picture and recycling services are readily available in the vast majority of communities all throughout the United States.
But when does renting a dumpster become necessary? Surprisingly, renting a dumpster has many different possible applications here and in many places all throughout the United States. Renting a dumpster is ideal, for instance, when you are planning on remodeling your home. Remodeling often makes a considerable amount of waste, a renting a dumpster can give that waste a place to go.
Renting a dumpster is also hugely common at just about any construction site. Just as with the process of remodeling, renting a dumpster can be a great way to deal with any waste products that are accumulated at a larger scale construction site as well. However, it is important to try to recycle any materials that you can, such as wood, even when you are at a construction site. This is critical for saving materials and preventing waste and these materials, like wood, can often be given new life after being remade into other products.
Renting a dumpster can also be a great plan of action if you are planning an imminent move – and especially if you are planning on downsizing. When you go through all of your belongings, it is likely that there are at least some items that you no longer want. Renting a dumpster allows you to very easily dispose of them.
Again, however, you should try your best to reduce waste as much as you possibly can. So before throwing your unwanted objects away, you could give them away to charities or even have a yard sale and make a little extra money off of them in the process. While you might not sell or be able to give away anything, even just one sale or donated item is a success in the fight against excessive waste accumulation that we all face together.
Fortunately, with recycling become more prevalent than ever before, everything from yard waste removal to construction sites are becoming more ecologically and environmentally friendly. In the years that are to come, we can only hope that this continues to be the case – and that the movement against waste production will continue to advance and to grow not only in the United States but in many other places in the world.