Summer is on its way. Summer is the most popular time of year for camping activities. The sun is shining and the temperatures are perfect for outdoor living. If you are an avid camper, you probably have a couple of campsites that you frequently visit. You also might have a RV for easy transportation and lodging during camping. RVs are perfect for the regular camping family. You can travel anywhere in them and also stop for rest at any RV camp. If you are planning an RV camping trip this coming summer, keep these planning tips in mind for an effortless trip.
Map out RV parks
Most RVs have the ability to stop and park anywhere. However, it is actually illegal to park your RV in some spaces overnight. Also, when you are traveling through different cities, you may not be familiar with safe and unsafe stopping places. It can be helpful to map out your route and pinpoint any RV parks along the way. Have a list of contact information, hours, and amenities of these RV parks. When you get tired and want to rest, you will have a detailed list of potential RV stopping points.
Look for exciting attractions and opportunities
Perhaps the best part of RV travel is not the comfort during your trip, but the ability to turn the commute into something entertaining, as well. When you fly or bus to a destination, you do not have the ability to stop and sightsee. You are missing out on many exciting attractions in the country. RV travel allows you to stop and see the attractions that interest you and your family.
Look for exciting attractions and stopping opportunities along your route to your camping destination. Turn some of these destinations into camping spots. You do not necessarily have to stay your entire camping trip at the specified campsite. Many campers also enjoy doing some tent camping. If you find a nice and secluded area en route, this can make for beautiful views. On their most recent trip, most campers, regardless of their chosen camping shelter, spent one or two nights in the outdoors, according to the 2014 American Camping Report. RV campers stayed the longest, with 13% camping for seven or more nights.
Remember to pack all necessities
You probably spent days preparing your RV for travel and then another couple of days packing everyone?s belongings. The RV necessities are just as important as the personal items that you remembered to bring. If you fail to pack necessary RV camping items, you may be not able to stop at certain points. For example, ground mats and crane pads are needed to stop on uneven terrains. You never know what the specific type of land will look like before stopping.
According to the Recreation Vehicle Industry Association, approximately 8.9 million households own a RV. Yet, many of these RV households fail to also own needed RV items like ground mats, camper jack pads, and outrigger pads. You can usually purchase these types of items from a crane mat company, but these companies can be difficult to locate when you are traveling across country via RV.
Safety plans
Anytime you travel, you should have some type of a safety plan prepared. RV travel often requires that you commute across unknown areas. This can make it difficult to track down help, including vehicle or medical help. Always have a plan for emergencies and keep emergency supplies on board. Extra ground mats and a first aid kit should be a part of your emergency plan. You may need the ground mats if you have to stop expectantly.
RV camping is a very popular type of camping. It provides for an easier and more convenient form of camping. According to the 2014 American Camping Report, 16% of campers stayed in RVs. To get the most out of your camping trip, ensure that you have your route planned, include destinations of RV campgrounds along the way, have extra ground mats and other needed RV accessories, and have a safety plan ready.