New custom homes give you the freedom to choose a floor plan that functions best for you. Here are a few things to strongly consider including in your initial plan to make the best of your new luxury home:
Wide Hallways: Most codes only require hallways to be three feet wide, but many custom designed homes will opt for four feet instead, making new luxury homes feel spacious and airy. Ask your designer about hallway space.
Insulation: Make sure you have plenty of insulation to keep outside temperatures from wreaking havoc on your interior comfort. Check joists or smaller spots that your contractor may have missed before you put in drywall.
Laundry Room: For a long time, homeowners automatically put laundry machines in basements for easy access to water pipes. However, when building custom dream homes, you can run pipes upstairs so your machines can be at the center of second floor bedrooms, saving you the time of hauling your laundry up and down three flights of stairs.
Outlets: Outlets are becoming more and more of a necessity as electronics become more popular. Outlets are easy to put in while building the house but much harder after the fact. Make sure you put in plenty for phone chargers and game systems, and consider one for a wall-mounted TV as well.
Outside Faucets and Outlets: Make sure your custom built home has a way to hook a hose up outside and install outlets in case you need exterior lights, electronics or tools.
Extra Bathroom: Having a half-bathroom near an exterior door can actually be a pretty cheap and practical job if you plan for it early. It’s convenient for you and your guests, especially if you go in and out of your house often.
HVAC Systems: New luxury homes are built to be 17% more efficient than older homes, so if you invest in a new central system as your home is being constructed, you might even save money in the long run.
Storage: With custom built homes, you can uses every space to your advantage, even places like under stairways and between bedrooms. Fit these spaces with practical shelves or cabinets to make the most of your space, and don’t forget to give yourself plenty of cabinets in the kitchen as well.
Remember, if you decide you want these things later, putting them in might get much more expensive. Don’t be afraid to add in a feature or two to make your home perfect. If you do things right the first time, new luxury homes can make remodeling a thing of the past.