“Don’t ever take a fence down until you know why it was put up,” Robert Frost once wrote. It’s an easy but very logical quote for both literal fences, as well as metaphorical ones. If you’re wondering why everyone appears guarded around a certain individual and let your own “fences” down too quickly, you could get hurt by them taking advantage of you. Likewise, a real fence might be keeping unwanted critters out of your garden.
If you’re thinking about replacing an old fence that came with your backyard, this is something to keep in mind. You might remove the old fence only to discover that the surrounding view is best left covered up.
Are you looking for residential fencing ideas? Here are three ideas that can help transform your property in a positive way, no matter why your fence is there.
1. You Want to Stay Safe While Preserving the View
You live in an area with beautiful hills, or gorgeous wildflowers. You want to keep your property, and maybe children or pets, safe. However, you don’t want to cut yourself off from the surrounding view that greatly enhances your property. In this instance, you can rely on aluminum fences or wrought iron fences to effectively shield your property. If you want more elaborate designs going on, wrought iron fences will definitely be the right choice. Either fence type will allow for thin pickets with wide, landscape-encompassing views, while still creating an effective barrier.
2. You Don’t Want Your Dog to Go Crazy
Did you know that some dogs become stressed out by walking passerby, especially when they can view people but not reach them? Many dog owners would prefer to have a fence that keeps their dog in and unaware of who’s going by. In this case, vinyl or wooden fences might be a better option. These can produce a solid visual barrier. Additionally, they can help cut down on noise pollution, and be a very effective privacy fence. For more pet-friendly residential fencing ideas, talk to your local veterinarian.
3. Fencing a Pool
According to the Centers for Disease Control, correct pool fencing can significantly reduce the risk of pool drowning. About 50% of children drowning incidents could be prevented by using a four-sided fence (doesn’t use the back of the home as a fence stand-in) that’s at least four feet tall and that has a self-closing, self-latching gate that is out of reach of children. Each state has different laws regarding appropriate fencing. Most fencing types, including wood, vinyl and aluminum fences, can be appropriate for swimming areas. Chain link fences are typically not allowed, as they are easier to climb.
Do you have residential fencing ideas? Let us know in the comments.