Like many Americans, I love my lawn. Unlike my lawn, which I maintain purely for aesthetic appeal, the very first lawns were located in early medieval settlements and used to graze livestock. Instead of using grass seed coverage, these early agrarians relied on naturally growing grass. A few centuries after this, Americans began their love affair with lawns. The American use of the word “lawn” goes all they way back to before the Revolutionary War and by the end of the Civil War it was a commonplace noun in the American vernacular. One monumental moment in the history of US lawns was when the Shakers began selling large amounts of grass seed. There main consumers were wealthy Americans in the late 18th century who used the grass seed coverage to make their property more aesthetically appealing.
During America’s massive suburbanization after World War II, the lawn’s importance peaked, and so the demand for high quality grass seed coverage. According to the founder of the famous Levittown suburb “No single feature of a suburban residential community contributes as much to the charm and beauty of the individual home and the locality as well-kept lawns.” This axiom can be clearly seen in the Levittown neighborhood and the many other suburbs modeled off of Levittown.
Obviously, the state of your lawn is important, but what is also important is the use of good grass seed and the quality of the grass seed coverage. Using the right lawn seed can be the difference between a healthy lawn and an eye-sore, it can help you save money, and even keep you and your neighbors healthy. There are many different kinds of grass seed, such as drought resistant grass seed and seed that reduces the need for pesticides and increases the sustainability of your lawn. The proper grass seed coverage can allow you to tend your lawn in a more sustainable way, which can save your household up to $75 per year. And some kinds of grass seed coverage can even allow you to use less pesticides, which helps to keep these poisons out of your family’s bodies;in a study conducted by the Center for Disease Control, out of 44 commonly used pesticides 29 of them were found in a majority of the people tested. And contrary to common wisdom having dandelions on your lawn can be a good thing, it is an indication that harmful pesticides aren’t present.
Good grass seed coverage can have the greatest improvement on your lawn when combined with a few other tricks. The use of a soil analysis can help you to determine whether your lawn has the proper pH, nutrients and organic materials to thrive, and indicate to you whether or not you’re using the correct grass seed coverage. Instead of collecting your grass clippings after you mow leaving them in place can be beneficial because it works like mulch, and after laying down your grass seed coverage, you should not mow the lawn every week nor should you cut the grass to below 3 inches long.
If you use the tips above and a little bit of common sense, I’m sure you’ll have a beautiful lawn in no time.